Monday, January 01, 2007

Gadia’s toys

Lagi mengingat-ingat mainan Gadia... hmm ini yang keinget. Yang gak ketulis berarti lupa.

Plush toys:
Pooh (Winnie the Pooh), Tigger, Bunny, Felix/Felicia (Pelican), si Bunga (blue flower), keluarga kodok (Frog family finger puppet), si Gajah biru.

Friends of all Sizes (cloth book), Toys, Who Lives Here?, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Bunny: Days of the Week (cloth book), Polo (pop-up), Cinderella, Cinderella: Believe, Snow White, Snow White: Best Friends, Si Joey at ang Gulay Gang/The Veggie Gang (English-Tagalog), Oh, Mateo: When Flowers Bloom (English-Tagalog), Hippo (squeaky book), Panda Bear (squeaky book), Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House:Laura Helps Pa, Laura's Garden, Anggota Tubuh, Kalau Aku Mau Makan, Kalau Aku Mau Mandi.

Musical toys:
Musical mobile Love Story, Musical mobile Christmas Carol, Panda house music, Kissing panda couple, Color click camera, Storybook rhymes, Elmo, Touch ‘n Crawl, Classical stacker, Miniature of Korean traditional musical instrument Taegeuk (drum-like) or “Dumba-dumba”.

Squeaky and rubber toys:
Becky (rubber duck Singapore Great Race 2003), Monkey, Ducky.

Glass ball with marble, rainbow ball, squeeze ball Pooh and Friends, blue cloth ball

Other toys:

Other things treated as toys:
Rexona hijau yangkung, minyak telon Konicare, Antis, Breathy, Transpulmin, Zwitsal baby bath, Zwitsal baby bath 2 (shampoo), Zwitsal baby hair lotion, Zwitsal powder, Johnson’s baby cologne, Pigeon baby wipes, kapas bola, wadah air zumbala (lihat “Air zumbala”), Nuvo, Tango wafer (biru), thermometer, White musk mama, empty or filled Ultra milk package, CDs, laptop, Wilson hand soap, and all papers, plastics, bottles.

27 Desember 2006

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